"I can't imagine being a part of something more rewarding than ESA" - Suzanne, FL - winner of the "What ESA Means to Me" essay contest.

Our  Purpose

National Programs

St. Jude Children's
Research Hospital®
ESA has partnered with St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital ® since 1972, establishing a special bond between the organizations. ESA members proudly support the hospital through numerous volunteer and fundraising events each year, donating more than $380 million to St. Jude since 1972 to aid in their mission. For more information about ESA and St. Jude, visit epsilonsigmaalpha.org/ESA4StJude
Hope for heroes ESA member support for military personnel and their families began during World War II.  This program was later named Hope for Heroes and still exists today. Hope for Heroes provides an opportunity to show appreciation for active military personnel, veterans, and their families. For more information about ESA and
Hope for Heroes, visit epsilonsigmaalpha.org/HopeForHeroes
easterseals Since 1919, Easterseals has provided essential and life-changing services to children and adults with disabilities, older adults, veterans, and their families. Epsilon Sigma Alpha adopted Easterseals as a national project in 1982. Since then, ESA members have raised over $6 million dollars for Easterseals, supporting those in our communities who need a little extra help. For more information about ESA and Easterseals, visit epsilonsigmaalpha.org/Easterseals
Esa foundation The ESA Foundation has been serving national and international communities as a 501(c)3 non-profit organization for over 50 years. Founded by ESA members, the ESA Foundation is a separate organization that partners with ESA to support the mission of providing financial support for individuals aspiring to advance in higher education. The scholarship program has exceeded $4 million in scholarship awards. For more information about ESA and ESA Foundation, visit epsilonsigmaalpha.org/ESAFoundation



JULY 13 - 20, 2025 
Cary, NC

IC Challenge

JULY 18, 2025 
Cary, NC

St. Jude Walk/Run

September 20, 2025
St. Jude Walk/Run is a nationwide 5K hybrid event, taking place in person and virtually.

St. Jude Memphis Marathon

December 2025
St. Jude Memphis Marathon Weekend is a fundraising event for St. Jude with a marathon, half marathon, 10K and 5K.