help fight domestic violence

Help End Domestic Violence

ESA is working to raise awareness and support for victims of domestic violence, a great tragedy that affects every community in the nation. ESA's Strike Out Domestic Violence bowling events and prayer shawl/blanket projects are two of the ways our members are making a difference.

"Domestic violence affects every community, and causes victims, as well as witnesses, to suffer pain and loss. Women of all ages are at risk for domestic and sexual violence, but those aged 20 to 24 are at the greatest risk of experiencing violence from their intimate partner. When abused women leave their homes, it is often in the middle of the night or they sneak away during the day when their abusers are away at work. They often leave with nothing but the clothing on their backs and their children they take with them must do the same, leaving behind their blanky or their favorite stuffed toy. ESA members and chapters partner with local agencies to provide support, funds, and community awareness to help end the cycle of violence. We hope you will join us in this worthy cause."
-- Susan Winters, ESA 2012-13 IC President

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