ESA Foundation

About the ESA Foundation


Established in 1970, the ESA Foundation is dedicated to the promotion of continuing education and to altruistic activities that make a positive difference in the world community. Voluntary contributions of time and money from ESA members, ESA Foundation members, and friends of the Foundation are the ESA Foundation’s sole sources of support. As a nonprofit, tax exempt corporation, the ESA Foundation supports the service and leadership programs and the philanthropic projects of Epsilon Sigma Alpha International. 


An archive of past newsletters is available here. You may also read the Chairman's State of the Foundation 2023 Report. The current Bylaws and Standing Rules are also available. Want to join our board of directors? Fill out the Nomination Form and submit it before October 1, 2024. An Open Board meeting is held annually in July to provide an opportunity for total participation by members. 


The ESA Foundation is a public foundation for anyone who shares our goals. The annual membership fee is $40. You may also opt to support the Career Enhancement Grant through a $500 one time Life Active membership. All dues are tax deductible. In order to vote at the annual meeting, the active member must have their annual dues paid before December 31. Become a member.


All contributions made directly to the ESA Foundation are tax deductible as “Gifts to Charity” due to our 501 c 3 charitable status under the Internal Revenue Code. You may either print out a contribution form or a Turn-Around-Fund form from this site or use the online services to contribute with your credit card. Donate today! Contributions may be designated or undesignated. Undesignated gifts become a part of the general fund. Designated contributions are used for the purpose designed by the donor.


"I cannot express my gratitude for the ESA Foundation and the donors from the different endowments. They make following one’s calling and vocation possible through their generous gifts for education. It is an honor to be chosen as a recipient."

-Jackson Reynolds, Scholarship winner


Join Us in Making an Investment in the Future.