The ESA Membership Corporation Board of Directors consists of nine voting members, including a representative from the International Council Executive Board, a representative from the ESA Foundation and the Executive Director of the ESA Membership Corporation. Regular members of the board, who do not serve as representatives of other entities, serve for three year terms (with term limitations of two consecutive terms). Representatives from the International Council and ESA Foundation serve one year terms by virtue of their office or as designated annually. The ESA Executive Director serves for his/her tenure in that position.
The ESAMC Board of Directors oversees the budget for ESA Headquarters and sets priorities for program development and for work of the ESA Headquarters office. The Board also works to do strategic planning for the use of the resources provided by the membership and works to develop continuity in membership services for the long term development of these resources. All of the ESAMC Board's efforts are focused on building long term strength for the organization and its ESA Headquarters office.
Members who would like to serve on the ESAMC Board are encouraged to contact Board members to indicate their interest in serving. Future applicants will be considered on the basis of the strengths and skills they can contribute to the board. Applicants do not need to have served on any other ESA board or in any specific ESA office in order to receive consideration for service on the ESAMC Board.
ESAMC Board Members
Julene Donnay, Minnesota
Chairman, ESAMC Board
Board member since 2021
ESA Pledge Year: 1983
Service in ESA:
- All state offices
- Multiple IC Appointed Board positions
Professional Background: Supply Chain Management, Mergers & Acquisitions
Jennifer Skinner, Indiana
Vice Chairman, ESAMC Board
Board member since 2022
ESA Pledge Year: 2003
Service in ESA:
- Former collegiate member
- State President 2022-23
- Multiple state positions
Professional Background: Human Resources
Mary Humphrey, Colorado
Secretary, ESAMC Board
​Board member since 2023
ESA Pledge Year: 1997
Service in ESA:
- Multiple Appointed and Elected IC Board positions
- State President 2012-13
Professional Background: Management and Budget Analyst
Bob Elwell, Wyoming
Board member since 2022
ESA Pledge Year: 2020
Professional Background: Attorney
Jan Faulkner, North Carolina
Board member since 2021
ESA Pledge Year: 1998
Service in ESA:
- State President
- Various state and district appointments
Professional Background: Finance/Accounting
Anna Oberste, Arkansas
Board member since 2023
ESA Pledge Year: 1996
Service in ESA:
- State President 2015-16
- Multiple district Appointed Board positions
Professional Background: Hotel Group/Convention Sales Manager
Dee Rotering, Minnesota
Board member since 2023
ESA Pledge Year: 2015
Service in ESA:
- Minnesota State President
Professional Background: Director of Program Management, Sr. Deployment Manager
Lynda Edwards, Alabama
ESA International Council representative
Board member since 2024
ESA Pledge Year: 1981

Kim Mandrell, Missouri
ESA Foundation representative
Board member since 2024
ESA Pledge Year: 1995
Doug Mills, Colorado
ESA Treasurer and Executive Director
Headquarters Representative
ESA staff since 1988
Charlotte Carloni, Colorado
Previous ESA staff 2011 - 2024
Join the Board
The ESA Membership Corporation is currently accepting applications for qualified individuals to represent the ESA Membership Corporation Board of Directors as a voluntary, non-paid position. Members of the board, who do not serve as representatives of other entities, will serve for three-year terms (with term limitations of two consecutive terms).
We are looking for a board member who believes in our mission to promote, build and advance the good works and best interests of Epsilon Sigma Alpha. The activities of the ESA Membership Corporation are primarily in connection with the activities of Epsilon Sigma Alpha International and associated entities. All of the ESAMC Board’s efforts are focused on building long-term strength for the organization and its ESA Headquarters office.
Applicants will be considered on the basis of the strengths and skills they can contribute to the Board. At this time, the Board is especially interested in a new member with a professional marketing background, though all applicants will be carefully considered.
- Technology skills to help guide the ESAMC Board toward new opportunities
- Professional background in finance/communications/public relations
- Strong writing and editing skills
- Professional or high-level volunteer involvement in fundraising
- Applicants do not need to be ESA members, though a familiarity with the organization is preferred.
Regular meetings of the Board are generally held at least one time a year in-person and several times a year via zoom at such times and locations as designated by the President. All Board members are expected to attend.
The deadline for submitting applications is September 30th, 2024 with the announcement of new Board members November 2024.
Click here to download the application. Please email the completed application to
Julene Donnay.